How we price
Ensuring the items in our store are priced competitively is key. We have a passion for quality preloved clothing, and are also realistic in how much our customers are prepared to pay.
To continue to bring new and unique items throughout our store, we need to be focused on moving through our stock constantly to make room for new ones. We aim to be processing hundred's of new clothes each week, and place customers in a queue for their items to be processed.
Our retail pricing and payout rate is the standard for the second-hand/used clothing industry within Australia and around the world, but people that are new to the resale experience are sometimes disappointed in what we can offer them. We offer both a cash and store credit rate, in the event that our cash budget is exhausted for the month, store credit is the only option for exchange.
As a guide, we aim to sell our clothes at a 'preloved retail price' which is generally 70-75% off their RRP, original retail price. We pay anywhere from 20-30% of what we plan to retail the item for. Pricing is based on a number of factors which include, how current the item is, it's condition and ultimately how much demand we believe there will be for that item in our store.

To fast track processing of your items instore, you have the option to download, print & complete this form and bring it in with your items.